Last updated: December 16, 2024
The Lionshield Agency, LLC is a business entity domiciled in North Carolina, USA.
To view details about the corporation, go to the North Carolina Business Entity Website and then search for “The Lionshield Agency.”
The Lionshield Agency, LLC is not licensed to sell insurance outside of the USA.
All agents who work for The Lionshield Agency, LLC each have individual producer licenses in the states they service. You may ask your The Lionshield Agency, LLC agent for their license number at any time. You may also utilize each state’s Department of Insurance producer licensing lookup tool to verify agent licensing.
Kimberly Battle is the designated responsible producer for The Lionshield Agency, LLC in every licensed jurisdiction. Her national producer number is 7956844, and below are her producer licenses for all the jurisdictions where she is licensed.
Alabama 3000516828
Arizona 7956844
Arkansas 7956844
California 4058989
Colorado 642956
Florida W693475
Georgia 842869
Idaho 7956844
Illinois 7956844
Indiana 3562272
Iowa 7956844
Kansas 7956844
Kentucky 1090611
Louisiana 862522
Maryland 99979340
Michigan 7956844
Minnesota 40692914
Mississippi 10605412
Missouri 3000910354
Montana 3001241502
Nebraska 7956844
Nevada 3560393
New Jersey 3000910323
New Mexico 7956844
North Carolina 7956844
Ohio 1292952
Oklahoma 3000910316
Oregon 7956844
Pennsylvania 943536
South Carolina 7956844
Tennessee 2433928
Texas 2393974
Utah 786764
Virginia 583149
West Virginia 7956844
Wisconsin 7956844
If You have any questions about Licensing, You can contact us:
By email: Help@LionshieldAgency.com
​By visiting the “Contact Us” page on our website
​By phone number: 888-444-5512
​By US Mail: 8801 Fast Park Drive, Suite 301, Raleigh, NC 27617